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Zanesville 3 Warren 1

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:04 pm
by Cap'n Scoop
Another classic high school baseball game between the two teams. ZHS pitcher Cole Hudson pitched another great game against the Warriors. David Lemon kept his team in it with a great pitching performance himself, a few early inning walks came back to haunt him when Z-ville had some timely hits from the bottom of their order. Sorry, don't know the names of the kids that had the hits. The big guns were kept silenced most of the night.
Warren was led by Tyler Spence (3-4, 1 run) and Cory Hooper (2-4). Wagner and Murphy each had a hit too.
It was a very well played game by both teams, very solid fielding. The Blue Devil first baseman made back to back tags on batters running down the first base line on errant throws. Zanesville also turned a DP on a rocket to the 2nd baseman in the first inning, almost pulling off a triple play.
Warren committed no errors in the game.

The biggest difference in these evenly matched teams in my opinion is this: Zanesville has a team of great baseball players. Warren has a team of great athletes playing baseball, only a handful are dedicated to the game.

Re: Zanesville 3 Warren 1

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 11:14 pm
by swamisez
the bottom of the order really hurt warren,

lots of K's, didn't prolong innings, couldn't get the lineup turned over.

outside of that, Warren played well.