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Re: Who is Coaching Fairland?

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:48 am
by mattash
Kasee Fulton will be a good freshman on the team this year.

Re: Who is Coaching Fairland?

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:53 pm
by dragoncoach56
mattash wrote:Kasee Fulton will be a good freshman on the team this year.
I call prejudice mattash :lol: but she is a good athlete. Wish her well Loved coaching her little brother.

Re: Who is Coaching Fairland?

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 5:23 pm
by buckeyesoftball
First of all to show you that you don't know what you are talking about the girls didn't give him coach of the year. It is voted on at the district meeting by the district coaches. The coaches knew what he had to put up with and what great job he must of done to finish 19-9 with that group. Second, I think that he did a great job with what he had to work with, (1) an assistant coach who knew very little about the game and sometimes was more of a hinderance than help, (2) a bunch of girls who were spoiled and needed more baby sitting than coaching, (3) with the parents who were always outside the fence yelling and screaming. You know, if I had to yell at my daughter the way some of them did, if I was their daughter I wouldn't be playing this year either.

Also, are you going to blame the girls basketball season on him as well? The most talented group of players Fairland has had in a long while and what
happened there? Let me guess, poor coaching. Do you see a pattern here?

At the end of the season coach baise was then able to coach. He finally got some people to shut up (I don't know what happened there) but when they beat Chesapeake, then Zane's Trace, then who was it Unioto to win districts. That was good coaching, changing the lineup around, pitching Auxier who he knew he could count on. Also, I remember two years ago when he took a team of nobody's and went like twenty some and I think two losses. Where were you then?

Why don't we just wait and see how this year's team does?

Re: Who is Coaching Fairland?

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 8:57 pm
by abuck76
Bananas,,i think u are way off target here. :122246 Ask anybody, except some of the parents. Ask other coaches about Coach Baise. Coaches know who does a good job and who doesn't. Leroy has done a good job. He lost to Rock Hill twice, uh because RH was a better offense to Fairland. Fairland gave them a go for it. RH went undefeated last season, so it was no black mark to lose to a very talented team. Harper girl playing in college this year and starting. I saw both play, and again no slam to the dragon girls, but RH was just a little better last year. However, Coach Baise took that very same team to the Regionals. Thats the sweet 16 in OHIO. That doesn't happen very often. I think SP is the only other OVC team that has gone to the Regionals before. That just doesn't happen by luck. It happens with good coaching and making moves when you have too. Good luck to the Dragon girls this year , and Coach Baise..You will be missed. :12224

Re: Who is Coaching Fairland?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 10:54 pm
Buckeyesoftball--I think you show no class when you post on here about girls from the past 2006 team that won the OVC and post them as nobodies. Those girls were a hardworking TEAM --nice notion------don't you think? Those girls have names and although did not play college level ball at least the starting line up of seniors, (6, I believe) all did go to college. I'm pretty sure if you'd ask Coach Baise or Coach Graham they'd call them a "Successful Team". Your values are way off. I believe their record was 21-2. The margin that their losses to those two opposing teams was one run. Yes they had an awesome pitcher but they had defense to back her and bats to bring people around the bases. Tell me, who are the "somebodies"?? from Fairland and where are they today?? Also, not a nice post on the assistant coach either. Sorry not everyone can be up to your ?? high standards. As for me I couldn't be prouder of a team than that 2006 one. I don't believe I missed a game. Classy group of girls, with yes, good coaching.

Re: Who is Coaching Fairland?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 11:01 pm
record for 06 was 24-2

(which tied the school record)

Re: Who is Coaching Fairland?

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 3:10 pm
by fdrn1
Id like to know who you are the somebodies your refering to and what do you mean by where they are today ??

Re: Who is Coaching Fairland?

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 8:54 pm
Not sure who would fit in that category either. I guess it depends on your standards and how you play during and after high school. I just know buckeyesoftball and I disagree on the nobodies.

Best of luck to the team of 2008.

Re: Who is Coaching Fairland?

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 7:20 pm
by ohiopoint
I had to get on here to see if what I had heard is true about this question...I am a parent of one of those girls on the 2006 softballteam...But if you weren't there then why comment about our girls I see by reading that someof you were there..Laughing a little here think I know who you ARE..... which Ill say SHAME on you.. why dont you just say the girls name anyone who was with the girls know who your talking about...How is it that some can get on here and say these thing and some cant???? :mrgreen:

Re: Who is Coaching Fairland?

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:54 am
by gambitplaya
PIGSKIN, not only did all 6 seniors go on to college but so did Auxier. I agree with you though the 2006 team was NOT a bunch of "nobodies." The team of 2006 might not have been the most talented but they were by far the hardest working in my opinion.

And as far as figuring out who the some-bodies are fdrn1, I believe that PIGSKIN is just wondering how you can call the 2006 team "nobodies" when they were hard working and tied the school record. I could be wrong but that how I see it.

Re: Who is Coaching Fairland?

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:06 pm
by ohiopoint
I think you have fdnr wrong.. if you read what has been said.. I think they want to know what people they were talking about and if you werent with the team how can any of you know what really went on and how things happened and yes those girls did go to college and arent nobodies but a great group of girls with talent..... still I say SHAME ON all that has been said on this topic... Dont you folks have something better to do than talk about this ... :idea: I was told about it and couldnt belive what I heard .... So that is why I have made my comments.......

Re: Who is Coaching Fairland?

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:12 pm
by ohiopoint
Oh and check out buckeyesoftball befor ya jump someone thats how all this gets started somebody didnt read it all and speaks without knowing anything about it....Geez its in the past Leroys gone the team is playing they have coaches so leave it BE

Re: Who is Coaching Fairland?

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:04 pm
by gambitplaya
Just so you know, I have been following Fairland girls softball for quite a while now and have attended numerous games in the past several years. So I was there and do know what I am talking about.

I have also read the posts and I see that buckeyesoftball stated the following...
"(1) an assistant coach who knew very little about the game and sometimes was more of a hinderance than help"
I honestly don't think that is anyway to speak of an assistant coach, as far as I saw she was an avid part of the team never a hinderance.
Also stated by buckeyesoftball...
"Also, I remember two years ago when he took a team of nobody's and went like twenty some and I think two losses."
They went 24-2 that year so why would you call them nobodies??

Also I think fdrn1 has PIGSKIN wrong on the somebodies. I took it as if the team of 2006 were nobodies then who were the somebodies, I think PIGSKIN and fdrn1 are asking the same question. I could be wrong, I guess they will have to clear that one up.

Yes, this is the past. However degrading a former assistant coach and successful team is not necessary.

Re: Who is Coaching Fairland?

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:22 pm
by fdrn1
Ok I just want to say I played with the 6 seniors and I want to clear it up THEY ARE SOMEBODIES for sure they are the best group of seniors I have ever played with so i just wanted to say that......nobody has the place to put people in class of being a somebody and a nobody everybody is a somebody especially when it comes to TEAM Sports

Re: Who is Coaching Fairland?

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 12:52 am
fdrn1 and gambitplaya we're in agreement on this--my only point was why put any of these kids down? they are kids who are entitled to a few good memories. ohiopoint maybe you need to reread buckeyesoftball's post---it puts more people down than anything i commented on. If you think i was referring to meagan auxier i wasn't. she was the glue in the 06 and 07 teams. my point was that all of these parents (at very early ages and stages of the game) make all of these plans for their kids (some still in school right now and not playing softball anymore) and in reality there is not much push by the coaches or the school to retain scholarships for sports. maybe the girls don't want to play, or maybe the scholarships are just that hard to come by but the last player i remember goin on was jennifer jones and she decided after about a year to step away. sooooooooo--my point was don't put a good group of kids and an asst. coach down. they did a fine job. fdrn1, right again, -- team sports is where it's at.

i think the team of 2008 can have a good season as long as they keep the wins and losses in perspective. i truly wish them well and would like to end this by saying that team sports is more than winnning and losing. it's about building for next game and next year.

Re: Who is Coaching Fairland?

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:05 pm
by ohiopoint
Well. I totally agree...... No arguement from me I think we all have kinda missed a point or two on here...But I guess we are all intitled to our opinion Like them or not.... Teams are meant to grow and work togather... So Good Luck to Fairland this year....

Re: Who is Coaching Fairland?

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:06 pm
by ohiopoint
By the way I have attended "EVERY GAME" in the past 5 years....

Re: Who is Coaching Fairland?

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 11:01 pm
by ohiopoint
If you scroll back up youll see that abuck knows Leroy.. (Pigskin) I think is who they he was...

Re: Who is Coaching Fairland?

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 11:04 pm
by ohiopoint
post were made Feb. 19th go check that out

Re: Who is Coaching Fairland?

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 12:36 am
by gambitplaya
Again I think we are missing the point, does it matter? Many people posting on this sight know Leroy but he is no longer the coach, so lets just wish this years softball team good luck and move on. Good luck Girls!