Little League vs ASA

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Re: Little League vs ASA

Post by ManitouDan »


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Re: Little League vs ASA

Post by The_Sports_Junky »

I don't think ASA is for all kids and let's not forget they are kids. Kids need to have fun.Kids need to experance diffrent things in life besides softball or sports in general.My thoughts are girls don't need to play ASA until age 13-14 and the child (not the parent) needs to be the one who decide to play. I know coaches who could not even tie their shoes when they played ball and now they think they are experts.

Lets face it, the girls who can really play ball have parents who work with them or pay someone to work with them. I see people blame the coach all the time for their child not playing well. That's bull ! It's the parents fault. Work with your child while you have them cause they grow up fast.

I hear all this crap about your player being seen by colleges but no one talks about how many great players make it but quit because they are burnt out. Mom and dad pushed them and pushed them to live the dream so much they are not about to miss out on their young adulthood. It don't matter how much you preach at them, They are 18 and out on their own. Do I even need to metion the girls who are good enough to make the team but can't because they don't have good enough grades.

For the ones bashing Mr. Seagraves(over 30 years as DA) need to shut up. That's all you will do is run your mouth but will not get involved. Think you can do better? Run for DA and make the changes. Most of the time it's not his fault it's yours. There is a whole lot more in the Little League rulebook than pitching rules. One rule in question is a girl can not play Little League and other youth softball. They can age 13 and older.Another rule on coaching other youth softball programs, You can. Stop blaming everyone else for your mistakes.

Little League is for all kids not just yours. Little League will not bend just for your schedule as they must consider the children who do not play ASA. Everyone has the right to play ball and for these guys who ask for special treatment so it's easier for them need grow up.Go ask your boss if you can have every friday off so you can work a second job and see what he says. Life is about choices start making them.

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Re: Little League vs ASA

Post by ManitouDan »

Please excuse my ignorance ---who is mr seagraves and who bashed him ? I looked backed on this thread thru mid feburary and no mention of a mr seagraves has been made . Did I miss something ? MD

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Re: Little League vs ASA

Post by go_usa »

I don't know who the Seagraves dude is either. Ya know, I got nothin' at all against ASA, my girl has played many tournaments and done well, learned a lot. One thing I don't like is some of the girls attitudes about ASA vs LL. Nobody made them sign up for LL, so if you do sign up be true to your school. Remember school pride? Remember who you will be playing for/with in high school. Just, have a good attitude about it and no one will have a problem with you. I know many girls (2 of them my nieces) who played college ball their freshman year and hated it, and quit sophmore year. So, remember it is a game. Do it with all your heart because you love the game, not because your gonna make a living out of it, cuz more than likely that's not gonna happen.

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Post by The_Sports_Junky »

[ Why can't you get asa coaches to coach LL is because MR. Seagraves said that you can't coach asa and LL at the same time. He makes you send in forms to LL and ask if you can coach asa and LL at the same time .It is for the kids who cares if you coach asa or the pros. I seen it happen to a coach for valley during allstars he coached LL and asa all season til allstars then MR. Seagraves said he couldn't coach in the allstar tournament because he was a head coach for Wildthangs asa 12& under team during the summer he had to set out 2 or 3 games waiting for MR. Seagraves to get the paper work back from the LL.[/quote]

Coach1 makes it sound like Mr. Seagraves would not let him coach.The fact was they did not read the Little League rule book. I even told the President of Valley (3 times) he had to turn in the paperwork for the ASA coaches. He did not. It is Mr. Seagraves job to see rules are not broken. Mr. Seagraves did not say ASA coaches could not coach Little League, The Little League rule book stated that an coach coaching other youth sports must request permission from Little League by May 20th. The reason for this rule was ASA coaches would win state and quit the Little League tournaments to coach ASA tournaments. As you can guess this was not fair to the girls who didn't play ASA. This rule has been removed as Little League trust the Presidents will put the right coaches in charge of their teams.

The truth is most Presidents don't know the rules or don't do their job.When Mr. Seagraves tells them they are breaking the rules the Presidents make it sound like it's his fault. In turn everyone gets upset with Mr. Seagraves. It is a coaches job to read the rulebook from cover to cover.

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Re: Little League vs ASA

Post by DiamondWatcher »

Sports Junky - I can't figure out if you're drunk or just out in left field. What have I missed, I don't know where this comes from? dw :?:

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Re: Little League vs ASA

Post by ManitouDan »

?? That response did'nt exactly clear up anything ????

anyway this topic of ASA vs LL has been beaten to death , lets just let it die. MD

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Re: Little League vs ASA

Post by The_Sports_Junky »

Mr. Seagraves is the District Adminstrator for South Central Ohio(Little League). He was also the State rep. for Ohio. He was in staff at Williamsport. They wrote a book in his honor called chatter it up. You must not be involved in Little League.

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Re: Little League vs ASA

Post by ManitouDan »

no problem --I did coach LL 2 years in Ky before we moved to Ohio. I also was on the LL board at the ky location. I also took my own truck , bought the gravel , and spread gravel over 200 yards of muddy road (approx 15 loads) to make getting there easier. I also hauled dirt to the LL fields and filled in the low spots , dug out and raised home plate and the batters box area so the constant rainouts due to standing water at home were no longer a problem. Also picked up the trash at the fields weekly . Thats just a sample to let you know I support and was invovled in LL. not trying to be a smart $#@ just saying I have strongly supported LL . MD

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Re: Little League vs ASA

Post by go_usa »

MD, maybe it's all your comments about LL putting it down that makes people realize that you don't support it. Besides, I thought your horse was dead, why keep commenting, pull the Wild Thang out of your hind end and support your LL and ASA and realize if your LL girls are no good you could volunteer to coach them and if they still are no good, maybe your coaching skills are lacking.

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Re: Little League vs ASA

Post by ManitouDan »

yada yada yada

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Re: Little League vs ASA

Post by Big Red »

sports junk! the story is not as straight as i was told! you was MR.SEAGRAVES no. 1man the whole time valley played THE BURG who was a main officer on THE BURG board that year! i was also told that mr. harr and his coach could coach if they made it to the state! advantage BURG!

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Re: Little League vs ASA

Post by Big Red »

sorry i forgot to mention your kid played for the BURG back then!

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Re: Little League vs ASA

Post by SBlover »

Big Red your comment makes no sense. There are MANY people on a Little League board (especially at the Burg I know of at least 12 positions that are filled. So every rule or change or whatever goes to the board where everything is voted upon by the board)it should be like that at every little league but I know for a fact it's like that at the Burg.

Sports JUnky is not Glenn Seagraves.If thats what your impling. I'm not sure what you were writing actually.

Sports Junky's daughter still does play Little League for the BURG. She is in Junior league they have not started yet. So please get your facts straight.

So please tell me what "The Board" has to do with when the Burg played Valley? It was not the "Burgs " fault that Valley didn't turn in their paperwork for Mr. Harr to coach his team that year. All they had to do was send a waiver in to Williamsport and they would have approved it for him to coach. If they would have read the rulebook before hand they would have known that.

Don't be mad because rules need to be followed. We expect our kids to be honest and have good sportsmanship and they learn that from there parents, coaches, etc...

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Re: Little League vs ASA

Post by ManitouDan »

go_usa wrote:MD, maybe it's all your comments about LL putting it down that makes people realize that you don't support it. Besides, I thought your horse was dead, why keep commenting, pull the Wild Thang out of your hind end and support your LL and ASA and realize if your LL girls are no good you could volunteer to coach them and if they still are no good, maybe your coaching skills are lacking.

Go usa-
DUDE (love the Bud commercial) ! I let you know that I have supported LL in a big way and still yet you complain.
And get this straight --THERE WERE ZERO COMMENTS ON THIS THREAD FROM FEB 28 to April 2nd ---then YOU brought it back up , taking the time to slam ASA coaches . So the facts show you are the very person who brought this back up.
I don't get the JEALOUSY of people who slam whats going on the ASA world. Parents and coaches working their tails off to get their kids prepared for HS and hopefully college ball. This perception that the ASA guys just gather kids that can already play and set on bucket while collecting the hardware is total nonsense.
Futhermore, unless parents work with their kids on the side no coach known to mankind is going to turn Suzie into a average HS player by having her a couple months a summer at the LL level. It's a great place to get them involved , show them the basics, teach them the rules etc . Sadly our kids no longer spend time playing wiffle ball, or slow pitch softball, or even good ol' fashioned rundown. Thats were alot of skills were honed years ago. Now kids are into so many other different things. anyway this horse was dead til YOU brought it back up and there is no way I'm gonna let you insinuate I need to "do more" or "get involved" or "coach better" . I'm voluntering now coaching at the JR high level, just like I have at LL, and me and the kids are having a blast . DUDE --good luck on getting over your WILD THANG envy . It sure does'nt take much to hide behind the computer and take pot shots at the Wild Thangs and their girls . Dan Stevenson "ManitouDan"

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Re: Little League vs ASA

Post by The_Sports_Junky »

Big Red wrote:sports junk! the story is not as straight as i was told! you was MR.SEAGRAVES no. 1man the whole time valley played THE BURG who was a main officer on THE BURG board that year! i was also told that mr. harr and his coach could coach if they made it to the state! advantage BURG!

I don't know about the #1 man thing but I can tell you I am an ADA. I can also tell you I do not show favoritism to the Burg.Yes I cheer them as any parent should but I done it from the outfield. I told the manager of Wheelersburg not to protest Lucasville's manager. I was never in favor of that rule and wrote Little League a letter stating that fact. I think the Presidents should have that power and now they do. The Manager(Burg's) agreed not to as he did want to win District but not by a protest.

If your questioning my loyalty to the kids of Scioto County I will gladly sit next to you at the next District meeting while the Presidents tell you who is always there for them and tell you who started the District 11 Challenger League. I work for the kids and no other reason. I can care less what you think!

Your source of information is incorrect. I would not have a problem telling them this to their face. I'm getting ready to finish the interleague schedules your welcome to come and help me if you like it should take more than 4 evenings.

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Re: Little League vs ASA

Post by go_usa »

Slow your roll there Danno... Get off your defensive high horse, and just listen for a minute. I too love ASA and LL. Again, my daughter has played both. I support both. ASA is a fabulous way to hone skills. What I was "slammin" was poor sportsmanship, and poor attitude. Say what you will but I believe LL is NOT inferior to ASA, it is different yes, but in no way inferior. I just think that parent/coaches should encourage the girls that do play both to RESPECT both. If they miss a LL game for an ASA tourney fine, but don't get mad if you sit an inning or two when you come back, and certainly don't root for the other team when you come back because your new ASA friends are on it. I'm not slammin the girls, my daughter is friends with most of them, and yes even the ones on WILD THANGs. So DUDE, STEP OFF, No Wild Thang envy here. We happen to love softball and your not the only one here with an opinion. Oh, and one more thing, I wasn't on the site for a while when I saw the conversations about LL vs ASA, when I saw them, I was interested, I made a post, you chose to respond nobody made you, so if it is a dead horse that your not interested in, stop posting on it b/c apparantly there are others who are interested b/c they're still posting! :lol: Nice talkin to ya Mr. Stevenson.

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Re: Little League vs ASA

Post by The_Sports_Junky »

It should not be vs. Both have good things for the kids.
I still don't think they should commit to ASA untill age 13 but everyone is diffrent. We could argue this until we pass. What we need to do is listen to our children as to what they want and not push them.

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Re: Little League vs ASA

Post by TheRinger »

I've been reading this thread in amazement.

go-usa: Either you don't get out of SE ohio very much or the cool-aid is very good down there, but LL can not hold a candle to ASA-A teams or top NSA-A, USSSA or Pony teams. That is not saying they bad teams, it's just the nature of the confining roster rules of LL. Travel teams can pull from a much wider area and some of the top travel teams pull from all over the state. The winner of the LL World Series would have some serious trouble placing in the top 10 of ASA's nationals (if they could even qualify). LL serves an important purpose, BUT it is just very well organized rec ball.

sports_junky: I don't even understand the comment about not commiting to an ASA team until 13. All four of the big sanctioning bodies (ASA, NSA, USSA, PONY) allow players to be sanctioned in each body simultaneously. The only reason I can think of why LL doesn't allow this is to keep the very good travel players away so the field is somewhat level across the board. There are very few kids outside of SE Ohio that would forgo the ability to play ASA, NSA etc. so they can play LL. You need to get out more. Take a trip to Columbus and watch the 10U and 12U championship game of the Stingrays tournament to see what younger kids are capable of. There is not a LL team in the state that could win that tournament.

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Re: Little League vs ASA

Post by go_usa »

Ok, clearly I'm being misunderstood. Once again I will say that my daughter has PLAYED BOTH, we support both. THEY ARE DIFFERENT, THEY SERVE DIFFERENT PURPOSES. I just don't see the need to put the LL girls down because their goals are different. They enjoy the game too, maybe they don't see the need to make a career out of it at 9-13 yrs old, but don't put them down for that. ASA is wonderful too, I agree once again that it is a whole different level (although around here I've seen girls/teams put together that look no different than a LL team). Yall seem to miss my point each time about teaching your girls respect. Teach them good sportsmanship along with all of your hitting, pitching, baserunning skills. It's all important. And be careful not to burn your child out for your love of the game. Oh, and MD, I don't know why you assume to everyone about the Wild Thang envy, while I certainly don't ENVY, I do respect the team. Harr is a wonderful coach, I've no beef with him what so ever, I definitely got no beef with any of the girls and not once did I put them down nor would I ever do that! Look back on my posts and you will see my points were about teaching respect for both teams. That is all. Oh, and I do get away from this cool-aid stand once in a while for those of you who wonder whether I get out much!

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