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Little League vs ASA

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 2:20 pm
by Fastpitch Coach
How do you feel about coaches asking kids to decide to play either
Little League or ASA only ? I feel that if a child wants to play both
they should be allowed too. My Daughter plays both, and loves both.
I would never ask her to choose one over the other. the bottom line
is that She is the one playing, not me.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 3:28 pm
by Tartanblue
They both offer different things and help in their own way. ASA it gives the girls who are able to play for a team that makes it a chance to get better and play at a higher level. But for little league it gives kids a chance to get used to play beside someone who they could be playing with in high school and also make closer friends with the kids they go to school with. No matter if they play one or the other or even both atleast they are out their playing softball and getting better at it along with having fun.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 5:03 pm
by abuck76
I think you must make a choice. If your DD is good enough for ASA and she misses a LL game but then comes back to the next LL game and gets to play over another kid who has been at all practices and games and then has to sit to let ASA girl play. Well, in my book thats just not fair. Choose. My DD had to choose and she chose ASA and prospered for it. When she wasn't playing she came to the LL games and cheered on her friends as they now got to play more. All were happy. Again though, its your choice. :-D

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:01 pm
by Tartanblue
That may be the case if a girls asa plays EVERY weekend and every time their is a LL game. But if she can work out both and it stays fair to every girl then let her do it. There times when girls miss games for LL for whatever reasons is it fair for one girl to have to sit the bench when a girl decides to come play the day of a game but missed the game before to go to the pool or for some other reason like that.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:22 pm
by ItownHosscat
It can be done but.....
1.Girls put ASA first,I understand why too,more money to play.
2.Girls miss out on practice time and game time with one(usually LL)
3.Girls get a ton of looks by college scouts at these ASA tourneys,unlike LL.
I have seen girls that are awesome players that by the time they are getting ready to graduate or have,give up the sport all together.
Why?Burnout,played way too many games or have some idiot who thinks he/she knows softball tell them to do things the wrong way,and get hurt.Ive seen many coaches try to "teach" a girl how to pitch,that knows didley squat about it.Or I have seen coaches saddle up a girl and pitch her till she can't hardly lift her arm.Remember thse girls can play a bunch of games in one day.Little league regulates these type things.
My opinion is pick one or the other.

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:42 am
by ManitouDan
I'm in that spot right now , my kid wants to play with her buddies in LL, This is the year that all of them are at the right age to play together. BUT we are 100% committed to travel ball. The travel org she plays in is 100% committed to doing what they do. . That is , expose the girls to the best teams in ohio and get better ourselves in the process. This means playing in the best tournies in july/august when alot of kids are preparing for all stars. And missing some weekend games if nessasary

So whats a parent to do --my head tells me to make the difficult desicion and tell her LL is out. But we would love to play. She would love to play. I guess learning an early life lession may be called for.

Off topic somewhat is the discussion of LL overall. Parents of other travel teams are shocked that some of our girls still play LL . Other areas have given it up all together. I'd hate to see it go by the wayside but feel like we can't do both (it's even against the rules to be playing ASA during all stars ) And the rules for LL are terrible . like playing in the 50's. MD

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:31 pm
by DiamondWatcher
I agree MD. Our family has given up LL as well.

Last year our dd played both travel ball and LL and SHE decided that she didn't want to play LL next year. It was frustrating for her to play at the level she does in travel ball and go back to a LL game. . . it's like taking 3 steps backwards. Although, I'm sure she will miss playing ball with her "school friends", it's been our experience that you make lifelong friends and acquaintences in travel ball as well. It has been a very rewarding experience for all of us.

Please don't get me wrong. . .I feel that LL is a great organization for the kids who want to play softball for fun and learn basic skills. There are parents that volunteer as coaches and this is great. But what if they are teaching them incorrectly (which is the case sometimes). Is this truly beneficial for the kids playing ball. I think it depends on what you want for your child.

I want my dd to be challenged and be the best she can be at what she does. And I don't think it is in LL. . . and if you ask her, she doesn't think it is either.

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 3:13 pm
by ItownHosscat
I too have seen coaches teach things wrong,at all levels.
I know some of these guys are very good at what they do,and yes they are very game smart.
But on the other hand I have seen some Yay-whos try and coach.
I get a laugh when you hear some of the things these guys say,its like they buy a book and quote it. :lol:
The thing with ASA is keeping all the girls moving all the time.Drills,Drills and more drills.I have seen some coaches teach one or 2 girls and the rest are goofing off.
The thing is get with a good group at a young age,and grow with them.
The great thing with ASA is if you dont like the team your on,move to another.

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 5:09 pm
by buckeyesoftball
I would have to agree with Itownhosscat. Just because you join an ASA team you are not for sure of getting top notch instruction. Some of the coaches that I have seen working with the girls is that they will be working with two or three at the most and the rest clowning around. Just watch at the local high school games when the travel coach comes around, those same girls want to run out and sit on their laps in the stands or goof off with them instead of concentrating on the game at hand. What does this say about the travel team coach? Also, look at the valuable time and money that the parents are losing. I think that LL and ASA could work together a lot better but they won't and I can understand in a way.

Play LL games M-Th and then let the travel girls go play ASA, then anyone at the LL level can get extra help if needed on the weekends at their local LL.

Couple questions, why can't we get more ASA coaches to help at the LL level? You never know when you might find a diamond in the rough and because these girls will eventually be making up the high school team their daughter is playing on. Two, where are the high school coaches in coming to these LL games to help give clinics and individual lessons if needed?

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 5:39 pm
by abuck76
I know SP has had a clinic put on by the high school head coach , assistant coach and several graduates , some of which had gone on to college and played, for pitching , hitting and defense the last two years, and they have been big success's.

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 5:59 pm
by Fastpitch Coach
I would like to thank all of you for your opinion. It is nice to get advice
from people that enjoy fastpitch as much as I do. Your advice has been very helpful, THANK YOU.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 3:59 pm
I will start with LL thier are alot of good coaches in LL and they are some that don't know anything at all about the game. But it works the same way in asa coaches. like everyone has said about asa you can find a good coach out thier if you don't like how he coaches. But for LL coaches you are just stuck with them, that is why people started playing asa then when allstars starts. You have a few asa / LL girls on your team, most of the time the kids that played asa will help make the kids that didn't play asa ball better and that is how you have a good LL allstar team no matter who coaches them. And for the asa coaches that just work with a couple of the girls and not the whole team then it seems like you would have the wrong coach for your kid. I think that if a kid wants to play LL and asa then let her play, let her have her fun in LL and tell her asa is time to get serious. Most of your LL girls go to school together and are friends, most asa teams the kids are from everywhere. Your kid only gets to play LL with her friends so long then it is over. Why can't you get asa coaches to coach LL is because MR. Seagraves said that you can't coach asa and LL at the same time. He makes you send in forms to LL and ask if you can coach asa and LL at the same time .It is for the kids who cares if you coach asa or the pros. I seen it happen to a coach for valley during allstars he coached LL and asa all season til allstars then MR. Seagraves said he couldn't coach in the allstar tournament because he was a head coach for Wildthangs asa 12& under team during the summer he had to set out 2 or 3 games waiting for MR. Seagraves to get the paper work back from the LL.

Re: Little League vs ASA

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 1:54 am
by volleyball_track22
I'm not real familiar with the rules of little leage and asa but i think that if a girl chooses to play ASA and misses a practice or game then the other kids who dont play anything other than little leage should get the chance to play and improve. But, the girl who plays ASA ball should get to rotate in tho because they also need to play with the other girls and get ready for tourney time. When it comes to tournement time though, i think that all players should be required to attend all practices and games. Otherwise sit the bench. Ultimatly, playing for your school in little leage is more important than one ASA game.

Re: Little League vs ASA

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 9:38 am
by ManitouDan
Playing for your school in LL ??? Where are you coming from ? LL is'nt school based ---West LL isn't called the siders ---Portsmouth's LL is'nt the trojans. IT might be community based , but not school .

also I'd like to see a LL all star games with the ASA kids on the bench --it would resemble minor league or worse, you are way out of touch.

LL , as a place for the girl who has experienced the intensity of ASA ball, is a bore. I hate it and don't like it, but thats reality. MD

Re: Little League vs ASA

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 10:45 am
by volleyball_track22
ohh. i completely disagree!!! and yes west LL is called PORTSMOUTH WEST LL ALLSTARS, WHEELERSBURG LL ALLSTARS, SOUTH WEBSTER LL ALLSTARS!!!!! just buy one of the shirts at the next LL allstars tourney. They have all the SCHOOLS names listed on them. My friends and many family members play so i think i have many shirts.

And as for depriving CHILDREN the chance to play a sport they love just because they decided to play another form of it is rediculous. WHERE ARE YOU COMING FROM???? When it comes to tournement time it is about playing your best players to see how far you get in the tourney, whether they play ASA or not! :evil:

Re: Little League vs ASA

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:42 am
by ManitouDan
LL is not a school asscociated league . anyone can play in it ---like last year , we lived in portsmouth and played at West. you can live in any school district and play in someone else's league --- (regardless of what kind of cool tee's they sell )

As far as the "depriving" comment it was you , not me, talking about benching players. here is a challenge for you ---ask the ASA kids you know if one 1 ASA game is more important than ANY LL game . post your results on here --It may be difficult --all the ASA players I know have quit LL , because sadly it has became such an inferior level of play it is no longer enjoyable for the girls. I say sadly because I wish LL and ASA could coexist. But LL has such stupid rules (ie no practice with travel during all stars just for one ) that the best players are leaving LL at alarming numbers.

I had this conversation with a waverly parent last week about LL--His kid has choosen not to play LL, she is going strickly travel. He said the coach for LL ask his kid to not throw the ball so hard to 1st base , the 1st baseman can't catch it. This is going on at every league in every city across ohio. I don't like it , and hate it that it is happening but in a few short years there is not going to be any LL softball to speak of. Whats left will be pure rec league . MD

Re: Little League vs ASA

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 12:23 pm
by bootleg
Manitou Dan- When did they change the rules in LL? You have to play in the district you live in. The districts are divided up the same as the school districts, even though LL is not school supported or ran, it is connected to where you live. You may have just gotten some people in trouble. I'm sure you can play with a LL during regular season play, but you will not be on the all-star team if you do not live in the district. There are 2 exceptions that I know of: 1- if the LL does not have enough players for a team and the district you are located in does not even have a LL team in the age group, then you can play with another school district, but only if they do not have enough players to field a team. Also, the team with not enough players that might pick up a girl from another school district, can only get players from just that school that the first pickup is from. No other girls from that school district can play with any other LL team. 2- If your family moves from one school district to another, and the child started out in the previous one, I believe they can continue playing with the first one and I believe their younger siblings are grandfathered in on that too. Someone help me out with these rules, is this right? I could be wrong but I know these rules were in effect a few years ago, unless they've been changed. Did it ever occur to you that you don't know everything about softball? Do you live in the state of Ohio now? I wish someone would knock you off of your high horse.

Re: Little League vs ASA

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 12:33 pm
by ManitouDan
sorry you feel that way and sorry you typed all that to find out we did not play all stars at all, I never implyed we did, we played regular season there (which was a 100% complete disaster , nothing to do with the girls, the parents were the problem) and did not get anyone in trouble .

furthermore , what high horse or specific point are you talking about --I'm open for discussion. and yes I live in Ohio. LL is floundering , thats reality , whether I love it, support it, or don't support it, it's barely hanging on . And No I certainly don't know all there is to know about softball ---I'm passionate about it , I give my time , money and thoughts to it, but I don't know it all. MD

Re: Little League vs ASA

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 12:51 pm
by volleyball_track22
Thank you Bootleg for helping me prove my point. And MD I wasn't talking about setting those children on the bench permantely, I just said letting other girls start and giving them a chance to improve while the ASA girls who missed a recent practice or game sitting out an inning or two. Not that harsh of a punishment, and letting other girls have the chance to improve.

LL is not a lost cause, I know that wheelersburg LL and webster LL have very good programs and have MANY kids to pick from when it comes time for all stars. Im sure other schools have the same such as west.

As for asking my "ASA" friends. I just personally asked my little sister who just this past season won the Ohio state tournement game for LL and the the West Virginia state tournement game for ASA and she said that she wouldnt have given up the LL experiece for anything. And get this, the LL team is going to be the future high school team!!! :lol:

So i have a question MD, do you appreciate the LL fields that your ASA team uses while practicing and playing on???

Re: Little League vs ASA

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 1:19 pm
by ManitouDan
yep sure do --but if they go away tommorrow , parents of those who have kids passionate about FP would have a field ready in a matter of weeks.

Please don't think I want LL to go away. I've stated before it's a great league for kids to get there feet wet in, to gain experience , and a league to play in if travel ball is not available , or not affordable, or maybe you just don't want to. BUT in many communities it is getting to the point where the only girls with much interest and committment to the game are the girls who are traveling. Everyone should have the ability to play ---no problem here ---but one side in this argument makes rules to make it hard to do both --and it isn't NSA-ASA USSSA or PONY .

It's great that your sister got a state championship in LL ---something to never be forgotten. But what if your sister was a great player on a team like the parent I talked to from Waverly "please don't throw the ball so hard to 1st base" Would your sister be so pleased in that situation ? You kinda help make my point --If a community has a group that are good and play well together , everything is peachy. Whats going to happen to that great group of kids when at 12u they have to decide whether to prepare for the NSA/ASA state tourney or participate in LL playoffs ? LL is going to get left behind. Anyway , yes there are some good LL's around, but keep in mind you are lucky to be in a good one, We have played in 2 in 2 diff' states , both were terrible. take care MD