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What makes a "good" coach ?

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 6:36 pm
by fastpitchfanatic
I hear many coaches, parents, players etc. talking about the need to find a "good" coach to lead a team. What is a "good" coach? Is it measured by whether he/she has a winning record? How about whether he/she connects with the girls? Let's get some feedback here on your thoughts about this.

Re: What makes a "good" coach ?

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 7:30 pm
by Fastpitch Coach
My opinion, a good coach has to have a real understanding of the game that He or She is coaching. Knowledge of the rules is a must, and the ability to teach the girls the proper way to swing, field, throw, bunt, and flat out burn the bases up !!!! I like you question about how He or She as a Coach connects with the girls. I have seen Girls @ the 9 & 10 / 11 & 12 year old level treated like dogs, cursed, belittled and have things said to them that should never have been said. I am HAPPY to say that I was never a part of that group. My style of coaching demands respect for Teamates as well as Coaches. I want my team to play their best for me, not out of fear, but out of respect. The girls that I have coached, I honestly feel that they played their very best for me because they didn,t want to feel like they disappointed me. I am proud to be a small part of Softball, and I feel very fortunate to have coached the girls that I have coached. I honestly care about each and every child that I have had the oppertunity to work with. I am proud of all of them.

Re: What makes a "good" coach ?

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 10:08 pm
by ItownHosscat
First off is knowledge of the game!
Second it has to be fun,for it to be fun a few things have to happen.
1.The girls must learn to play the game the right way.I've seen many things taught many different ways,but it pains me to watch a coach teach your basic fundamentals wrong.I have seen this at all levels of play.
2.The girls have to have fun.There are many drills you can do to make it fun for all.This can also lead to getting in playing shape.Drills done the right way at a speedy pace work the girls into shape.My girls always ran,they just didn't run many sprints.
3.The team needs to win.Winning is fun,losing isn't.
A team that loses,loses girls in the end.So yes I think a winning record does come into play here.I have heard many a parent tell a coach at tryouts I want little Sally on your team,that other guy is nice and all but the kids didn't learn anything.

Re: What makes a "good" coach ?

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 11:28 pm
A good coach is a leader, they teach kids to be a leader not a follower ,they teach the game of softball , team work, hardwork, discipline, that takes care of hitting, running bases, fielding, My opinion it is not the coaches jod to connect with the girls it is the girls connect to the coach. the coach can't connect to the girls because they are all different in many ways. they have to beleive in the coach and his system. A coach has to earn respect from the girls how he does that is by teaching. the girls earn respect from the coach by performance.A good coach don't play name games , he plays who ever earns it, treat each kid the same no matter if it is your pitcher or shortstop keep the same standards with everybody show every kid you care about them wether they are a starter or a pinch runner and they will play thier hearts out for you. because they known if they let up they will be replaced. When a good coach disciplines a kid he tells her what she did wrong and how to fix it they don't just rip them. every kid will make a mistake just teach them make 1 not 2 meaning if you miss a ball stay with it and make a good throw. teach them to learn by thier mistakes and improve on them.

Re: What makes a "good" coach ?

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 11:49 pm
by fastpitchfanatic
Coach1 do you think it is important to have good assistants, or you just a one man show?
I completely agree with you regarding buying into your game. This may be one of the most important points here. It does not matter how much you know if everyone is not on the same page--yours.

Re: What makes a "good" coach ?

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 8:51 am
by DiamondWatcher
I think that a good coach should first, have knowledge or more importantly, an instinct for the game. Second, I think that they HAVE to demand respect from the girls. I have seen too many of these nicey nice LL coaches try to coach kids and think they are doing them justice by saying "nice job" when they go up to bat and swing at a ball 2 feet above their heads, or say "you'll get it next time" when a ball rolls thru their legs in the field. These type of coaches seem to think that just complimenting kids all the time will make them better. But in reality, it makes them worse. How are they going to learn this way?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that most parents WANT their kids to be pushed and told when they are doing something wrong, whether it be yelling at them, or pulling them to the side and telling them. I know I'm one of those parents. In today's world, it is hard to get respect from kids without demanding it and I think it is a must if you want to have a good quality ball team. Being nice to them is not showing them that you care . Getting on them when YOU KNOW they can do better, to me, shows that you care. As a player, I'd be worried more if my coach didn't tell me what I was doing wrong and didn't yell at me to try to straighten my butt up.


Re: What makes a "good" coach ?

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 12:14 pm
by Orkan
The patience of Job.
The wisdom of Solomon.
The heart of a Lion.
The knowledge of Wikipedia.
The sensitivity of a Pastor.
The understanding of a Best Friend.
The humor of Dr. Seuss.
The backbone of T. Rex.
The vocabulary of Rod Serling.
The eye of an Eagle.
The ability to know when each is appropriate.
Good coaches, like good pitchers & catchers, are hard to find.

Re: What makes a "good" coach ?

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 12:21 pm
by ManitouDan
good reply ---now go sign up to coach that 14u bunch that needs a coach ! MD

Re: What makes a "good" coach ?

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 12:25 pm
by Orkan
My eggs are in another basket.

Re: What makes a "good" coach ?

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 4:27 pm
by ItownHosscat
fastpitchfanatic wrote:Coach1 do you think it is important to have good assistants, or you just a one man show?
I completely agree with you regarding buying into your game. This may be one of the most important points here. It does not matter how much you know if everyone is not on the same page--yours.

I think it is very important to have good assistants,they are an extention of the head coach.
For instance,the firstbase coach needs to know what the 3rd base coachwould do in any and all circumstances.1 coach cant get caught"watching"the game.
I also think the kids have to believe in their coaches,just as the coaches in the girls.I guess that falls under respect.

Re: What makes a "good" coach ?

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 4:48 pm
I think your asst. coach is very important they need to think like you do they need to beleive in your system just like the girls. Most off all you need to be able to trust them that they are thinking like you are good call or bad call win or loose. you need to listen to them when they think something is going to work like hit or bunt pitch inside or outside.