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Portsmouth's Coach Bradshaw...Thank You!

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 9:26 am
by hawkeyepierce
Many on this forum know me, most assume that I work for Vinton County Schools, but I don't, I work in child welfare. However, I am very involved in my school, I coach, and I have substituted in the school district. However, this is not about me, but rather to point out that I know children and their families much like the one featured in this article. So I know...

This article is from earlier in the summer and I did not know it existed until today, and I had to share it with this community. This article features an young lady from Portsmouth High School Softball Team and her growing up, becoming of age, with an addicted mother. And it highlights the role that coaches play in this troubling time.

To Coach Bradshaw, the Portsmouth High School, a sincere thank you. A thank you for being the one consistent, reaffirming, and positive influence in these young people's lives. And to Layla, thank you so much for sharing your story. I am so glad to read that school is your "...happy place..." and that I sincerely hope that you may find success and peace in South Carolina. ... pe=Article

Re: Portsmouth's Coach Bradshaw...Thank You!

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 11:08 pm
by PtownClown
Coach Bradshaw is not only a phenomenal coach but a tremendous person. Portsmouth HS is lucky to have her as a coach and positive influencer in the school system.

Re: Portsmouth's Coach Bradshaw...Thank You!

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2020 7:56 pm
by Moses Guthrie
Thank you Hawkeye for those kind words. Yes Coach Bradshaw does a stand up job. She communicates with the girls off the field. She puts in a tremendous amount of time with them. She truly is an asset to the PHS system.