The history of the Elite 8 (the Reader's Digest Version) …
1. 93bulldog STARTED the Elite 8 on jjhuddle
2. Pfloyd DID NOT agree with the Elite 8 teams selected (by the way the Elite 8 used to be just that - only the top 8 teams)
2a. 93bulldog refused to allow Morgan High School to be included in his Elite 8 rankings … pfloyd felt they belonged … Convo Passes/League Affiliation rules were born ...
3. Pfloyd on a weekly basis would post an "opposing" Elite 8 hence "Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/Southeastern Ohio" was created…
4. Ironman92 at the same time kept track of the records of ALL 70+ teams in Southern/Southeast Ohio …
5. at some point 93bulldog disappeared from jjhuddle - no Elite 8 … we're talking 2 years "no 93dog"
6. Pfloyd combined what I92 was doing - keeping track of all teams Below the Lancaster-Dixon Line- with the original Elite 8 … pfloyd and the committee of one decided you can not accurately rank only 8 teams WITHOUT knowing what ALL the teams in Southern/Southeast Ohio are doing every week - the ranking of ALL 70+ teams Below the Line was born on jjhuddle …
7. No 93dog on the huddle, I92 quit keeping the records of teams … Pfloyd continued to rank ALL teams on the huddle however jjhuddle thought it was "all that" and the only game in town … I92 pm'd me and got me to crossover to this other sports forum site called SEOPs … it was FREE, it WAS solely about everything football, basketball, baseball etc in Southern/Southeastern Ohio … I gave in and crossed over - a perfect fit for hoops was Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/Southeastern Ohio …
8. … at some point AFTER the original Elite 8 was turned into Pfloyd's Elite 8 (due to the 93dog hiatus ) … 93dog found his way BACK to sports in SEO - newspaper sports reporter, VikingRoundball fame, 970WATH color man/play-by-play AND the introduction of the TVC website …
9. no more alternative Elite 8 as 93dog limits his "territory" to the 300 teams in the TVC both boys/girls in ALL sports … while abusing pfloyd as often as possible … ALL was/is good in the world …