My brand new article with state champion Carson Vanhoose (Read it here)

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My brand new article with state champion Carson Vanhoose (Read it here)


1-At what point if any did you guys as a team start thinking that the state title was possible?

From the 3rd grade, we had this dream of winning state after watching the first state game Clinton Massie won.

2- After the Anderson game, a close loss to a D-2 school did you do anything different in practice to prepare to be better not only for the next game (A 44-0 win over Bishop Fenwick)
We amped practice up because we knew that’s what it would take to have a successful season. We didn’t live in the past after losing that game we just went day by day for the rest of the season.

3- During the season you guys had three games that were close, while the rest were blowout wins. Did any point did the starters get bored?
None of the starters got bored we all had the same mentality and goal. We knew the practices were going to be harder than some of the games we will play. We knew we had to connect the dots and raise a level each week instead of going downhill or getting complacent.

4-The playoffs and the state final games were much tougher than the regular season. Which team was the toughest overall?

Mcnick probably had one of the better offenses we have played and a very stout defense with athletes. Bloom Carroll's defense was the best defense we have played in a while if not the best. They came to play and were coached very well.

5- Sticking with the playoffs which team was the toughest to prepare for?
Again Mcnick or Bloom Carroll they both ran an offense very different from any other teams doing a bunch of trickery.

6- If you can would you share a little of what the coaching staff said to you guys at halftime in the locker room during the championship game?
We went in at halftime down in points when we got in there no one was down. We all knew we had to come out and play. We knew we couldn’t quit. The coaches said we’re going to stop them and they’re going to start to wear down and get tired which will lead them to make mistakes.

7- Can you describe what it was like as you took the pitch and knew you were going to score the winning points?
That whole play was in slow motion from the cadence to the pitch. But it couldn’t have happened without the O-line and Carter frank with the big-time blocks.

8- What was the bus ride home like after the state title win?
It was still an unbelievable moment still in shock of what happened.

9- What colleges have you heard from as far as football goes?
I’ve heard from Heidelberg, UD, Akron, Wittenberg, Wilmington, Capital, Thomas Moore, Mount Saint Joe, Ohio Northern, Grove City College, Otterbein

10- What will you remember most from your football career at Clinton-Massie?
Winning the state game and also beating Wyoming

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