2023 Player Spotlight/Interview with Evan Dailey from Gahanna High School

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2023 Player Spotlight/Interview with Evan Dailey from Gahanna High School


Evan Dailey
Gahanna Lincoln High School
Positions played
Offensive tackle and defensive end

What got you started playing football, and what keeps you playing?
My dad has always been a big football guy and I was always one of the biggest kids in my grade so people constantly told me I should try it out.

In watching your Hudl highlights, when you are on offense. You seem to be strong enough to handle whoever is in front of you, and you have enough speed to more often than not handle a smaller, quick guy, but what I noticed the most is how you keep your feet moving until the play is over. What is the biggest prep you have to do to make all three parts of that work and make it look as easy as you do?
Never missing team lifts, practices, and individual work allows me to be strong enough to handle guys but also move my body quickly enough to keep up with quicker opponents. Also doing extra work outside of team sessions helps make me remove major weaknesses from my game.

What are the biggest things you feel you need to improve on to take your game to a higher level?
Playing with a better pad level in the run game and timing my strikes better.

What do you feel are your biggest strengths as a lineman?
My lateral quickness.

If you could only play on one side of the ball, which one would you choose and why?
I enjoy both sides of the ball but probably offense because my natural skill set applies better on offense I think.

What are your personal goals for the season as well as the biggest team goal you have set?
Personally, I would like to get at least one FBS offer and give up zero sacks. As a team of course I’d want to win states.

Do you feel that you and your teammates are role models to the younger kids who come and watch you play?
Definitely, we play fast, physically, but also smart.

What are your thoughts on 16 teams from each region making the playoffs?
I feel that a spot in the playoffs is earned and that there are too many teams just brought in. Some teams have losing records and don’t even stand a chance against their round 1 competition.

As a player, where do you feel the state finals should be played?
There are a few places that would be cool to play at but it would have to be somewhere big. Since the Division 1 state finals in Ohio are a big deal I feel like the NFL HOF stadium would be fitting.

Who is the best player you have ever played against, along with the team he played for, and what made him so good?
Since middle school, the best players I’ve played against have actually gone to my own school. So someone like Kamari Burns, Elijah King, or Jaden Yates has to be my answer.

Can you tell us some of the colleges that are recruiting you?
I’m talking to multiple Ivy League schools and a few FBS schools right now. I have a few FCS and Division II offers as well.

Where is your go-to spot in Gahanna to grab a bite?
Can’t go wrong with a place like B-dubs but a more local spot would be “The Melt” at Easton.

Which sport is your favorite to watch on TV?

Definitely, football because other sports are too boring and repetitive unless the games are deep in the playoffs.

If you could have dinner with any athlete in the world, who would it be and why?
That spot could go to a lot of different people but I feel like I could take a big chunk of useful information from someone like Trent Williams or Lane Johnson.

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