SC is sick of Buckeye immigrants!

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SC is sick of Buckeye immigrants!

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

South Carolina hates immigrants, and I'm not talking about Mexicans! I'm talking about Ohioans!! Check this out......

Here is an article written about the above website:

South Carolina’s sick of Buckeye immigrants


Here in Ohio, we tend to think quite highly of ourselves. We determine presidential elections, win a lot of football games and discover novel ways to set water on fire.

Hard as it might be to imagine, there are some people who don’t care for our brand of state pride. One such group is the citizenry of Charleston, S.C. In a widespread and unexplainable phenomenon, Charleston has become a hotbed for people migrating away from the Buckeye State.

The influx of Ohioans to the lowcountry prompted a grad student and Charleston native to create
And, in a perhaps more explainable phenomenon, Carolinians are sick and tired of it.

The influx of Ohioans to the South Carolina lowcountry prompted someone calling himself Rusty Shackelford—an alias widely used in Internet circles, akin to Hollywood’s Alan Smithee—to take his complaints to the Internet, where he established

“In a given day I see at least 10 to 20 Ohio license plates,” he said via e-mail this week. “People started using ‘Oh, what part of Ohio are you from?’ as an introductory greeting. It lost its humor, however, when the answers time and time again were ‘Columbus’ or ‘Cincinnati.’ That’s when the locals stopped making jokes about it. Local news agencies started doing stories.”

The site is humorous, but there’s a clear undertone of hostility toward Ohioans in much of its content. Shackelford said much of the annoyance can be found “in one phrase: ‘But back in Ohio we…’ Nothing annoys us more than someone who moves into our midst and then starts demanding things be done differently. Then there’s the complaining. Ohioans love to complain about the heat, the school system, the tax system, the roads, the politics, and so on.”

Shackelford, a 23-year-old grad student, has tried to come up with an explanation for the massive migration to Charleston.

“I’m left with the conclusion that they like the sand and waves,” he said.

Since starting the site, Shackelford has received some hate mail from bitter Buckeyes, but the response from Southerners, he said, has been overwhelmingly supportive.

“The closest thing I’ve gotten to negative feedback from Southerners is from those who say that we need to go easy on the Ohio migrants,” he said. “Generally, turns out that those people moved here from Ohio 10 years ago.”

His site decries Ohioans’ attempts to surf, as well as their endeavors to mate with the far more desirable Southerners.

“Naturally,” the site reads, “the Southern male and female do not respond to the Ohio mating call ‘Buckeyes rule.’”

One of the site’s many fans is a guy named Evan. He manages to capture the essence of the Charlestonian mood toward Ohioans in a poetically concise post on the site’s blog: “I have a friend from Ohio. He is fat, sloppy, and always eats my food.”

The site offers its Ohio-bred visitors a map and directions back to Ohio, as well as a bumper sticker for natives that reads, “Go Buckeyes! No seriously, go!”

The Internet is not the only place to find Dixie denizens who have had their fill of Ohioans. The Charleston RiverDogs, a Class A baseball team, will hold a Go Back to Ohio night on June 25. Coincidentally, the game will be played against the Columbus Catfish—but that’s Columbus, Ga.

Lavon Alls, community relations director for the RiverDogs, said displaced Ohioans are urged to wear their Ohio State, Cleveland and Cincinnati gear (what, no Blue Jackets sweaters?) to the park for discounted group admission. There will be trivia and contests throughout the evening.

The grand prize is a one-way ticket to Ohio on a Greyhound bus.

The RiverDogs’ front office seems to be a microcosm of what’s happening in the greater Charleston area.

“In our office alone, we have five or six people from Ohio,” Alls said. “We haven’t pinpointed what is drawing people to the area. Hopefully they can share some info with us when they come to the ballpark.”

Alls said Charleston, which is consistently ranked the country’s most polite city by etiquette expert Marjabelle Young Stewart, appears to help soothe the aggressive Northerners.

“We make them softer and more kind,” she said. “We get them to calm down a bit.”

But not enough, apparently, that they want them to stay.

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orange-n-brown 365
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Re: SC is sick of Buckeye immigrants!

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

:122248 HUH??? :122248

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The Instructor
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Re: SC is sick of Buckeye immigrants!

Post by The Instructor »

“In a given day I see at least 10 to 20 Ohio license plates,” he said via e-mail this week.

I bet they like the money we spend down there on vacation!

I bet they wouldn't want to send our money on a one way bus back to Ohio.

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orange-n-brown 365
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Re: SC is sick of Buckeye immigrants!

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

exactly instructor when we all go down and spend bunches of money going to Hilton Head Mrytle Beach and many other spots betcha they are all back counting their $$$$$$$$ then

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Re: SC is sick of Buckeye immigrants!

Post by 2trap_4ever »

I don't understand the bad driving comment, my brother-in-law has lived in Charlotte NC for many years and he makes fun of SC driving, he calls them North Carolina's Kentucky

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