Questioning coaches and their decisions.

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Re: Questioning coaches and their decisions.

Post by wobycat »

bigdude_222 wrote: Mon Nov 11, 2019 11:39 pm Fans have the right to question. Coaches have the right to not respond. They also have the right to not be accosted after a game or even the next morning. Nothing good comes of this. Situation is already heated after a game, no one will be in the right state of mind to productively discuss a situation. Coaches don’t owe fans any explanation. They all make the decision they feel is best at the moment. No one wants to make a bad decision. They already know if they do. They may need to talk to a player or a parent, but I am a big proponent of scheduling a meeting with the player, parent, position coach and head coach. This will give everyone a chance to cool off and have a discussion that can be productive.

As a coach myself my biggest fear is what my family has to hear from many outrageous, over the top crowd members. Most of us aren’t worried about ourselves having thick skin, we worry about what a half drunk idiot is going to say to or near them in the stands. My wife handles it better than I would. She usually pulls the, ‘want to go to the concession stand girls or listen to the mean man yell bad words at daddy?” card. People don’t think about that kind of stuff, they just yell.
Wow. I wonder what box coaches have to listen to on the way up and down to field. Football for some reason brings out a fan's crazy emotions, which is crazy, because they have absolutely no control on what happens out there.

I tell you gets it probably worse than the coaches, is the refs. Ouch they have no allies in the game. LOL There's one position, I'll gladly take my name out of the hat for.

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Re: Questioning coaches and their decisions.

Post by PTrojan59 »

I think it just depends on how you go about it. I don’t have any children that play, I have nothing at stake when I go and watch Portsmouth. I go because I love high school football and it’s my alma mater. I sit up there and if I see something I don’t like or agree with, I openly say it to the people sitting around me, as they do the same. No harm no foul. I don’t go home and post it on social media, I don’t relay to kids I know in school so it gets around to the whole team and the coaching staff. I do the same sitting in front of my tv on Saturdays and Sundays. As a fan, I have a right to my opinion on something, doesn’t make me right or wrong. I’ll never sit around and pretend like I’m the coach and they should listen to me, because I’m not. When my kids are old enough to play sports I don’t plan to be the Dad who thinks he knows more than the coach, but I’m sure I’ll have my own opinion on certain matters.

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Re: Questioning coaches and their decisions.

Post by bigdude_222 »

The average career of a high school ref in Ohio is 3-5 years. Many are getting out due to the hostile nature of fans. You get better with experience as an official. So many first timers calling games. They don’t get paid enough to deal with that crap either.

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Re: Questioning coaches and their decisions.


Questioning of coaches has always gone on but social media has taken it to a new level. No coach or official is getting rich out there. Actually when you calculate the time and pay they are well below minimum wedge. As a coach you go into the bunker and just keep working and do what you believe is right. You have to be careful who you talk too but you realize anyone could have a good idea. The smart move is to let people vent then move one. You remember ever parent thinks their son or daughter is the best and honestly they should because it is their child. Think about this, coaching and teaching is the only profession where you are judged by what a teenager does. There are few things that are more unpredictable than a teenage boy or girl. The players make you look dumb or smart. I remember send in an offensive play once and as soon as both teams lined up the coach upstairs said that the play was in trouble. I told him I know but did not want to burn a time out that early. I told him to start think of a good 3rd down play. Well the RB went 65 yards for a touch down. Everyone was telling us what a great call it was after the game. I just smiled and said thank you but underneath I am think that might have been one of the worst calls but the young men it go!

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